Monday, April 17, 2006

Blogging the Monastic Triduum ~ Easter Monday (aka The Morning After)

Was supposed to have speaker for sophomores all week .... got postponed till next week .... means 90-minute-lectures .... on something .... lots of prospective students visiting so need to impress them .... too tired .... can't ..... eyes .... sleep ..... must ..... wake .... must .... must .... ummm .... teach .... hitosry of ..... danacng ..... elphents ..... hedgpigs ..... carnivorous bunnies ..... hippoplatypus pluralized to hippoplatypi ...... sleep ..... want ..... moooooo ..... baby pterydactl .... sqwak .... seep ..... skool .... no ..... where's teddybear ..... seep ..... no .....

ghyjuyhgtmuyjnhuujyhgbbhjtrbj bhjmbftgfn ,l;'/';,l;l,';/,/,kfghfgh dgyhrjtdrvbgdhgv hrtbjhtrjrbgrtjmbgrthjg gyhjgjyuguyjg jyhgtjrgtjhmgbdfg jkjulhldkhtlh nkujhbgkhbdkrtgbhkdhgb hjdfgdfghkjdfghiuyiyikngf hjbg tjbgtjg hjgjhtgfhyjg fthgvftjgbfjgbvtfhgbjh fvghjgdfbtyjhb tvfghtvfjb gvhvfthgvfhvt btjhgb gfhnbjmrtfh fkj ft ht ghnfthgn fkhtkjfnt tjhgbmhj btgbhtjgbbhgyyjhgjugmmjrh tbgrjtgbmt rhbgrmgbrjm jnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn nn nnnnnnnnnn nnnn nnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnn nnn n nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnn

{dead give-away head-jerk}


{sheepish drool-wipe}

{yawn .... stretch}

Well, at least I can still amuse myself! See, if I was truly blogging the Monastic Triduum .... I'd still be in bed. They don't start until 8:00 today! Sigh .....

Not only that, but I lose my planning today to watch presentations in an English class – I'll be far better able to handle my alleged lectures than to sit there and listen to kids talk for ninety minutes. I'm not sure how I'm gonna do it.

God, if you let me make it through today, I promise I'll make it up to you. Heck, I'll become a nun.......

Oh ..... wait. Ummmmmmmmm ............ oops.
(So that's why I'm here .....)

On that note ..... anyone seen the new Hoops&Yoyo?


Blogger Steph Youstra said...

There are some positive points to this post. For example, I was unable to keep my eyes open, but now I'm so amused at myself I'm awake. For a few minutes anyway. Good thing I have a short commute.

Thanks for humoring me ..... if you don't hear from me for a few weeks, I'm probably hiding in the faculty bathroom sleeping.

{Word Verification: aeomhh}

4/17/2006 7:24 AM  
Blogger lorem ipsum said...

Waaaaaaah! The Hoops & Yoyo link was bad. Which is the new one?

(Word: zxixedqf)

4/17/2006 6:40 PM  

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