Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Stop .... breathe .... it's all good .....

Following Susan Rose's lead .... I thought I'd share my Inner DJ thoughts of this morning. Let's see, it was about 7:19, and I was heading rather quickly into the school building ... when what to my wondering ears should appear but ......
The Mission Impossible Theme
It made me laugh .... kind of .... ok, not really at all. Because, while I still officially had 41 minutes before grades were due, I still had some grades to get pulled together .... and then keyed in .... and then figure out how in the world I'm supposed to get them exported when I can't find the Report that looks like the one on our handout ..... not to mention that I discovered at, oh I don't know, 6:15 this morning that two of my precious little angels decided to share their writings with one another (which, I just remembered, I totally lost track of --- need to remember to check in with someone about that) ..... In the midst of my Religion Office frenzy, a student comes in and wants to know what she'll miss today b/c she'll be on retreat. Ended up not sending them in until probably 8:10 (when I was finally able to get someone to show me what to do); then spent another 10-15 minutes (in between getting my class started on their worksheets) trying to figure out how to get the printout I'm supposed to also turn in. Checking off the checklist (of course, after I sent the grades in) I realized that I had three grades that were above 100 and therefore technically not allowed --- Oops! Went down at the change of classes to turn in the hard copies and sign off on the sheet and it was all gone already. But, put it in the appropriate person's box, and I guess I'm good to go ..... at least until she chases me down to give the litany of all the ways I goofed!
Of course, I still have to make the rubrics for the last set of papers presentable (as opposed to my last-minute frenzied and illegible scribblings) so I can return them .... and post the grades online .... and plan for tomorrow's classes (so I can crash tonight) ....
Oh yeah .... and (hopefully) remember that I have just been assigned Lunch Duty for this second quarter .....
Must .... remember ..... academic dishonesty ..... consult ..... principal .....
A pox on my procrastinating self!


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