Friday, April 28, 2006

Friday Five ~ Avoidance

Thus our Friday Five: name five things you do when you are trying to avoid doing what you really need to do.
~ Courtesy of Songbird on the RevGalBlogPals

The jury's still out on Sue's entry .... heeheehee!

I think I already addressed this issue back here, when I asked it as my own Weekend Wondering ... and I know it shows up elsewhere as well .... at least, whenever I got around to it, anyway ...

In reality, there's no easy answer for this question, unless maybe to say that I do whatever is NOT what I'm supposed to be doing. For example, I never quite get around to cleaning my room, although it drives me batty as it is .... but when it comes time to do a self-evaluation or write a test or something like that – WOW! Look how nice my desk looks!

And then there's anything on the web .... checking e-mail, blogs, games, looking for new e-mail, puzzles, googling old friends, blogs, seeing if there's any mail yet, newspaper reading, blogs, quizzes, blogs, e-mail ....

Generally, the name of the game is "Whatever I shouldn't be doing." If I need to write a letter, I'll clean my room. If I need to clean my room, I'll write a letter. And oftentimes I'm not even sure what I've done in all this time, except that I've done absolutely nothing. This whole "getting something done" is actually a serious annoyance/concern of mine, but oh well ..... maybe one of these days I'll try to figure out what's at the root of it.

In the meantime, I'll just finish writing about .... hey, look over there! :-)


Blogger lorem ipsum said...

Am I supposed to answer? I guess I will, so I can put off doing other things (like writing, making lunch, dusting, calling my parents, answering your post about 'the sin of the world,' etc.).

1) Checking email/blogs/news incessantly
2) Reading a book (esp. 'research' on my novel)
3) Laundry (but not ironing)
4) Sleeping (perchance to dreaming)
5) Making notes on my novel (but not writing the novel itself)

Although - in my defense - this morning I have stripped the bed (but not changed it), vacuumed (but not dusted) and commented on your blog (but not yet written in mine).

4/29/2006 12:30 PM  

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