Monday, April 17, 2006

Glad to know I have company ....

Looking for something to read the kids for prayer this morning and looked at The Cloister Walk chapter called "Triduum Notes." So, what does our good Benedictine oblate Kathleen Norris have to say about Easter Monday?
On Easter Monday, I learn a great secret about monasteries. It's not the strenuous liturgies of the Triduum, not even the complex turns of the Vigil, that monks have to worry about getting through, but Easter Monday. At morning prayer, a man who has been a monk for nearly sixty years has suddenly forgotten how to begin morning prayer. A jump-start is required; then we're off and rolling, into forty days of Easter.
Even the prayer-leader piece fits for this morning ..... {did I mention that I'm prayer leader this week at the house?}


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