Waiting till the last minute, as always
BUT ...
The name-swap drawing will happen on December 1 ... which is TOMORROW ... so check it out and reply TODAY!!!
"But as we progress on this way of life and in faith ..." The journey of a (relatively) newly professed Benedictine sister who's working hard to dispel as many nun-myths as she possibly can.
Two years ago, we had various members of our community post short reflections on the daily readings of Advent, with tie-ins to the Benedictine spirit when possible. So, for what it's worth .... here's what I wrote two years ago, as a barely one-year-old Benedictine. (We also had a very cool photo of mine of a shoot sprouting from a stump, but I don't have that scanned file here. Or is it a sprout shooting?) Even then I had an odd way of looking at things .....
On Saturday evening, we begin the season of Advent: the season of “the coming of our God”. I invite you to take some time and ask yourself: Where do you need God to come to you? How and what are you longing for? What Advent “practice” would be helpful for you during these weeks before Christmas? Advent is such a special season. Let us walk through these next weeks with eyes and hearts open to the many ways our God comes to us throughout each day---and through one another!
Once God punished youbecause you did wrong.Now God comforts all of youand gathers you from the nationswhere you have been scattered.When you turnand give all you are to God,God turns,never again to leave you...........Turn, sinners;do justice before God.God may yet respondwith pardon and delight.
Semicolon You scored 15% Sociability and 64% Sophistication! |
Congratulations! You are the semicolon! You are the highest expression of punctuation; no one has more of a right to be proud. In the hands of a master, you will purr, sneering at commas, dismissing periods as beneath your contempt. You separate and connect at the same time, and no one does it better. The novice will find you difficult to come to terms with, but you need no one. You are secure in your elegance, knowing that you, and only you, have the power to mark the skill or incompetence of the craftsman. You have no natural enemies; all fear you. And never, NEVER let anyone tell you that you cannot appear in dialogue! |
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Link: The Which Punctuation Mark Are You Test written by Gazda on Ok Cupid, home of the 32-Type Dating Test |
And some random wonderings (I'll wrap up the Weekend Ones tomorrow):
And, on that note, I think I'll go attempt to deal with the ever-growing-yet-never-graded stack of papers that have journeyed with me to and from school on a regular basis. And figure out what I'm gonna teach tomorrow .... and figure out how to structure my next couple classes so that I'll have something to say on their mid-quarter progress reports next week.
Oh, and don't forget to Frappr yourself .... let me know where ya are!
You scored higher than 66% on Morgensterns
Link: The Princess Bride Trivia Test written by Maverisms on Ok Cupid, home of the 32-Type Dating Test
Why dost thou smiteth me, O mine God???