Happy New Year!
Peace and blessings to you all .... thanks for giving me such a fine BlogWorld Welcome.
"But as we progress on this way of life and in faith ..." The journey of a (relatively) newly professed Benedictine sister who's working hard to dispel as many nun-myths as she possibly can.
And I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year: Give me a light, that I may tread safely into the unknown.And he replied: Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the hand of God. That shall be to you better than light, and safer than a known way.
I can even do fancy-schmancy block quotes now!
And it's televised here in Loovul, so I get to watch .... and it's early enough that I can yell as needed. YAY!!!
Update: My brother Chris is director of music ministry of a parish back home; my brother Ray has had season's tickets to the Redskins for the last four or five years (having been on the waiting list since 1983 -- 'Skins seasons tickets are hard to come by!). My whole family are born and raised Redskins fans, so the fact that Gibbs came back was huge for us, and the fact that there are games worth watching makes our fidelity to the team that much more important. And, for those of you who don't know, Redskins–Cowboys is the thing, even though there hasn't always been much to see. The bumper stickers were "I cheer for two teams -- the Redskins and anyone playing Dallas." Oh yeah, and should I mention that today's game is at FedEx field? Hometown game for the Burgandy & Gold?
Given that background, I found this e-mail I just got from my mom extra-entertaining:
Tonight is the annual Christmas concert at Christopher's parish; it is also the Redskins/Cowboy game here. Raymond gave up his tickets in order to attend the concert! Is that brotherly love, or what??
Bet Chris is gonna owe Ray big-time! Tivo just ain't gonna cut it for him.
This is awesome ... big time blow-out game, and I, 600 miles away, am the only one seeing it.
Not that I would gloat or anything .....
And here's (at least some of) what's gotta get done.
••• Create wrap-up notes/handouts for two classes
••• Create study guides for two classes
••• 90-minutes/class sub plans for Tuesday (sophomore retreat)
••• (Ideally) create exams for two classes
••• Develop (and post) rubric for Gospel project
••• Empty the ever-expanding-bag-o'stuff by grading: It's at least sorted & organized now
»»»»» Welfare video reaction
»»»»» Chapters three and four review questions
»»»»» Chapters three and four wrap-up work
»»»»» Jesus' questions & your answers Thus concludes my sophomore grading ... until their next assignment, anyway. But on to the juniors!
»»»»» Retold parables These are, if I may say so myself, some of the most amazing writing since their Prodigal Son papers! Such good kids have I!
»»»»» Highlighting quizzes ever-so-slowly progressing along
»»»»» Gospel of John vs. synoptics another 1/2 inch of paper outta the way. Course, this round took longer because it's amazing the differences some kids were able to discover by just reading the passion narratives. Unfortunately for them (and fortunately for me), kids today aren't too into the book-thing. Which means, if they want some "additional assistance" on an assignment, they turn to the very same Google that I can turn to. Didn't take too excessively long to find out where the work really came from. But, then I had to dig back through the pile a few more time, since things on the website were sounding just a little too familiar to me. Ultimate results? 4 sites, 5 papers (at least). Then there are the two papers that I know came from somewhere, but I'm thinking I should only spend so much time on the search. Something about the synoptics "never [having] any passage that suggested what the emotions of Jesus were" and/or that "in this unique Gospel, John puts forth the idea that Jesus is the light that overcomes darkness, meaning that whoever believes in Jesus will overcome darkness" and that instead of parables, Jesus focuses on teaching about relationships. Not that any of those are bad ideas, but the phrasing seems kinda off, especially considering the other ones that have been tracked down. Sigh.
»»»»» Gospel logs the most formidable 2 inches of paper I've ever seen. Bonus shipment of Snowman Soup to whoever can explain what the heck I was smoking when I thought having each one of my 83 kids read either Matthew or Luke in its entirety, and answer several questions on every three chapters. Questions like what happened, who's involved, what do you think, etc. A nice idea, in theory, but then what was I doubly smoking when I decided that I had to read through all of them at the same time? Gets a little old ..... BUT, it's done. And now to Church!
••• Post grades and missing work
Home/Non-school (or at least, non-paycheck-riding-on-it):
••• Order medicine
••• Make snowman soup
••• Figure out student Christmas ... whatever
••• "Faculty Buddy" gift
••• Write scripture reflection for Monastery website
••• Monastery/Loovul Christmas plans
••• Christmas stuff for home folks
••• Christmas card innards (and outtards) very cool poem written, to be posted once schoolwork is done and I'm ready to do cards
••• Read about "monastic dress" for discussion (which involves finding papers about monastic dress) and now that that's settled ... until the next discussion ... and the community discussion ...
••• Grocery shopping Should I find it horribly unfair that I'm ADDING to the list more than crossing off?
••• Deliver recycling one of the many unknown/unexpected/unplanned tasks
••• Unclogging a toilet another one of the unplanned projects, which took probably seventeen-thousand times longer than it would've taken any of you, since I have this deep-seated terror of all things toilet-trouble-related
••• Clean room as good as it's gonna get, anyway! At least I have a chair, and desk, and bigger bits of floor than before!
••• OK, and I'm gonna stop this part of the list here, b/c it's too skeery!
So if you see me hanging out here or on your blog and the list isn't cleared out? By all means, please please PLEASE climb your way through these fiber-optic cables and rip my hands off the keyboard.
Thank you.
make-your-own snowflake provided by http://snowflakes.lookandfeel.com/
snow dance provided by ... all my bloggy-buddies in BlogLand? Please?!?!?!
Another cool snowflake that I made is here ... while easier to make cool designs, I couldn't save the pic to post (not easily anyway)
Of course, you'd think with all this stress I'd be grading papers instead of searching for virtual snow dances. But who ever called me logical???
Saw this at BrightStar (B*) ...
You Have a Melancholic Temperament |
![]() Introspective and reflective, you think about everything and anything. You are a soft-hearted daydreamer. You long for your ideal life. You love silence and solitude. Everyday life is usually too chaotic for you. Given enough time alone, it's easy for you to find inner peace. You tend to be spiritual, having found your own meaning of life. Wise and patient, you can help people through difficult times. At your worst, you brood and sulk. Your negative thoughts can trap you. You are reserved and withdrawn. This makes it hard to connect to others. You tend to over think small things, making decisions difficult. |